Thursday, June 25, 2009


Oh how exciting, it's nearly 1st of July! Should be interesting to see the number of people involoved and completed by then. I read in heads up a bit ago that only 15 people so far have completed all programs and the survey. I was wondering though if they are checking the blogs when the surveys are done or all together after the 1st, as I have updated and made changes since doing my survey. I really like the sessions and the little tricks I leanrt. Also that I can now help staff and cutomers with blogging and linking feed etc. I find that when I get on a role I like to make more and more albums and explore more sites to link to. I am greatful for the delicious site, it's a big help with taging making topics easy to find. I look forward to the announcment of the winner of the sexy lil laptop! Good times had by all and good friendships made.

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Skills n Thrills!

Hey Guys,

Nice weekend was it not!? I had a late night Saturday night, enjoying the company of many friends down the beach for a sing a long under the bright moon! We all had a go at fire twirling (though I need more practice) to the jambay beats - what a thrill!

I pretty happy I now have some new information literacy skills because I'm studying to recieve the Certifacte III in Library and Information Services. I can do researching and referencing now like a novice (need more practice). I am keen to get my project topic approved so I give my skills a test and produce a well researched and referenced assessment project. I asked to do yoga and how it improves your health. Could be easy could be hard... I have been using my social networking and new skills to gather new upto date information on this topic. If anyone has any information/sites/blogs that might help me please let me know.

Hope you all have a nice weekend! I'm still glad people are blogging and using their new skills too!

Sunday, May 31, 2009

Bloggers R US!

Hi all,
Just blogging today to give an update on the chit chat happening here at the Noosa Library!
Mel the Amazing has just won the Ipod for her fantastic blog and all her help when running our early morning blogging sessions! The whole thing has been so much fun!
Our Friday work meeting had smiles from the cyber champs all round! We have now all got our Licence and are driving our BlogSpots with a thirst to impress ourselves and others! There are mixed reviews on what to blog and who likes their blog etc. Even so, it seems everyone is learning and communicating their level of achievements and being encouraging which was part of the idea of the program I believe. We all have fantastic blogs now and have succeeded with each others help in tackling each weekly task.
I really like the sharing photos session and the feeds as I get to put my own personal touches and links out there for others to enjoy. The social networking of the Delicious site will be a hit I believe when more folks get across it. The way that everyones connected in cyber and reality now is tops! The blogging 'comments' will start happeneing a lot more now that the sessions are over and the focus on constructing and creating our own blogs is not under the weekly improvements.
Lets all be friends and Drive the Blog Spot safely through to Cyber Space and Stay Connected! :)

Noosa N.P.

Noosa N.P., originally uploaded by Haydn Thomas Photography.

Noosa Nation Park is an amazing spot - very chilled and beautiful! We are so lucky here on the Sunshine Coast! Get out there and check it out!

Monday, May 25, 2009

All Over It!

So just to let you know I'm all over it!
This is all the work I've done so far...
I am a Googler and a Yahooer - I have Pics/Avatars for all profiles!
I am a Facebooker and a MySpacer - with great looking blogspots!
I am a Flickr and Picasa member and have public albums to view!
I am a Delicioius Bookmarker, Google Reader and Linker/Feeder.
I am a Live MSN Messenger and soon to be a Twitter!
Wow time spent in Cyber Space - ummmm .... couple of hours!
I'm so clever not to mention out there in the cyber world and loving it!

Delicious . COM

Delicious is a rather interesting site. I just got my account set up and then all my favourites organised with the correct tags to bulk them together. Was a lil confuisin' but had the time so focused and made sense of it all! I am happy to say that I think I like the favourites better but hey I'm up for being social and for everyone to come and join the bookmarking network revoltion! Top Stuff! Just click and save and mmmm delicious! LOL!

Wiki(ity) Wiki(ity) Wack!

I have done some research on wikis and made myself familiar witha few. We use them at work to make bookings as well which is so handy. They are updated, interactive and make a lot of sense in this evloutionary world. I like the different ideas for the usage of a wiki and it will be interesting to see them become more of a common tool to use in the cyber world! So wikis are cool and the people that use them are not so wak after all! :)

Thursday, May 21, 2009